I was infected with the Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Infection in the brain. I took treatment and recovered, but after a while I started to feel dizzy and unbalanced. Is this normal and could it be a remnant of the CMV virus?
LizGreen Community Admin
Last Updated:
, I posted this here in hopes you'll get some answers from the community. - Liz (Team Member)
Richard Faust Community Admin
Last Updated:
Hi and . I'm guessing you saw my earlier reply from December 6th (https://h-i-v.net/forums/hiv-cmv). Oumi, I want to ask if you have experienced any hearing issues? I ask because this can often, but not always, accompany the vestibular symptoms (the dizziness and balance problems) you are experiencing. It looks like there has actually been more research done on children who experience these issues with CMV infection (see here for example: https://www.entandaudiologynews.com/features/audiology-features/post/cytomegalovirus-cmv-and-the-vestibular-system-a-case-study). I mention this because I wonder if it might be helpful to seek out a doctor who has looked at these issues in children. I'm not saying this will lead to answers, but may be an avenue to examine. Really hoping you can find something to help. Best, Richard (Team Member)