Hello, forgive me if this is not the appropriate place but I am crippled with anxiety and stress convincing myself that I am positive. 11/9 I had protected anal sex with a trans sex worker, I was the top. The act lasted only a couple minutes as I wasn’t in to it and started to go soft. Condom seemed intact. Only thing that was unprotected was oral and that was brief as well. Two weeks later I developed a stubborn sore throat that lasted about a week that went away on its own with no other symptoms. Two weeks ago in December I started having mild urethra irritation and burning sensation while peeing. Figured it was just an UTI until I developed slight abdominal pain and had discharge one morning. It was last Sunday 12/19 I immediately went through tele health and was prescribed antibiotics for clamydia/gonorrea. Symptoms have generally gone away for the most part and I have a couple more days of doxyclyine. Still have abdominal pain and groin discomfort but most likely side effects of the doxy. I have not had a test for the STI so it could it still be anything else but I have convinced myself I am infected. What has me petrified is that I used a condom and still caught an STI and it has me worried that being hiv positive is inevitable. It has crippled me with anxiety and it has me thinking of what I’m going to tell my children and family.