I was diagnosed in 2018 and was in total denial and complete shock. I have a sick feeling deep in my stomach and still do to this day.
I am still unaware where I got hiv and just saying or hear the word sends me in a panic and I feel instantly ashamed.
Only my close family know about my diagnosis and I can't talk about it to them I can't even say or hear the word without stressing.
It's funny how you never hear much about these things but once you get diagnosed with something you hear it all the time. Just watching or hearing it on the TV will send my mind in overdrive and a panic.
You hear that some people that have hiv are very open about it and don't seem to be struggling with the emotional side of it. I can't even say the word never mind telling anyone about it or taking it out.
I would like to hear your view on the subject and if you have same diagnosis how are you coping and was it a shock when you first was told.