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How can I increase my CD4 count?

I was just recently diagnosed with AIDS as my CD4 count drops to 70. On my 4th day of taking ART drugs. I was just curious and I hope someone can answer my question, is there any way to increase my CD4count faster? Or I’ll just continue taking my ARTs? If so, how many months or years will my CD4 count recovers? My viral load is undetectable aside from having syphilis which I am already starting to take the shots. I hope someone can answer me. Thank you

  1. That's a good question and one I'm sure others have. We're not medical professionals so can't give you medical advice but we can definitely provide you with information. This is a little about ART drugs and how they work - and they are the main way the viral load is treated. However, many people here have written about how they keep healthy in other ways while undergoing treatment. A few of those articles are linked below. Does anyone else have any thoughts or things that work for them? - Liz (Team Member)

    Healthy Living by -
    How HIV Changed How I Eat by -
    HIV and Aging by -

    I hope this can get you started and that others chime in. Keep us posted on how you're doing and reach out with any other questions - Liz (Team Member)

    1. First, let me express how happy I am that you are reaching out to this community. After learning I was HIV+ 30 years ago, I discovered my t-cell count was 250. We were still a few years away from the changes to treatment that protease inhibitors would bring.

      A good friend (who had been living for two years with a t-cell count of 4) was instrumental in sharing some thoughts and practices to support his immune system. I want to offer up a few of those to you.

      * Get rest - your body needs time to heal. I still do deep relaxation meditations so that my body can focus on healing and repair. There are lots of them on YouTube and streaming music services you can use.

      * Eat well - Give your body the fuel it needs. I avoid ultra-processed foods and try to make all my calories count. That being said, I don't neglect my need for comfort food. Sometimes it's just as important to satisfy your mental hunger with pizza or ice cream.

      * Stay hydrated - I drink water and tea all day long.

      * Move - Whether it's exercise or just walking around your room, this is essential to staying healthy.

      * Take care of your mental space -Stress can burden your immune system. Be kind to yourself and leave your worries at the door. I always remind myself that fretting is not the solution to the issue.

      Good luck to you. I'm not a doctor, but in my experience living with HIV, these little things all add up and can give your body the boost it needs.

      1. how was your cd4 count now?

    2. , I average around 700. But I am careful to remember that each person's T-cell count will differ, so I never compare mine to someone else. And I know that it's a number that can fluctuate throughout the day.

      Stress, exercise, poor nutrition, and good nutrition can all cause dips and spikes in your T-cells.

      My process is continually working to arm my body to create the most robust possible defense, no matter the number.

      I also focus on my viral load count. This is a better marker for overall therapy success. I hope this helps.

      1. Alafia (Peace) I don't know about increasing our CD4 count faster but you have been given some good advice from others. I would only add, try to reduce your stress levels. When I final let go of what and who were the cause of my stress mt CD4 count increased by hundreds. Khafre ( Team Member)

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