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Transvaginal Ultrasound. Infection risk?

I went to a gynaecologist on 08.01.2022. she did an internal ultrasound, known as a Transvaginal Ultrasound using a probe.

She covered the probe with a condom. I did not notice/see/ remember her using gloves or whether she sanitised her hands, or whether she sanitised the probe, before or after.

The next day, on 09.01.2022, I got a fever of 102 degree F at 6pm in the evening. It hit me like a truck out of nowhere. Within an hour I had a temperature of 102 with intense headache and low back pain. I was taking this progestin based pill since 08.01.2022 evening. I have been having low back pain before the check up as I m having some issues with my menses.

By 10.01.2022, I had a stuffy nose and then runny nose. The fever came down to 100 and then went back to 101.
I now have a sore throat too. And an extremely runny nose.
I went back to her and asked the same gynaecologist about whether she sanitised her hands and she said yes, she did and she said she used a fresh condom to cover the probe but she said a negative on wearing gloves. She also said they sanitise the probe. But I believe her
only about the fresh condom usage, but I don't believe her about the sanitisation of her hands or the probe.

I am scared i must have contracted an STI or worse, hiv.

  1. I'm glad you reached out because I can tell from your writing that you're dealing with a lot of concern and some difficult symptoms. Also, it gives me a chance to clear up misinformation about HIV transmission that is out there that can feed into this worry, and may be helpful to others.

    It sounds like you are concerned about your genitals coming into contact with an object and someone's hands that may have come into contact with another person's bodily fluids earlier that day. The five fluids HIV can be transmitted through are breast milk, blood, precum, semen, and anal and vaginal secretions, and only when they come in contact with a mucus membrane - more about that here: That contact has to be very direct, since HIV is not expected to live for long at all, making environmental transmission outside the body virtually non-existent. This means HIV cannot be transmitted through contact with everyday surfaces- more about that here:

    Were you also able to check with the doctor who prescribed you the progestin-based pill, since that seems to also correspond to your symptoms? I am so grateful you asked and started this conversation. I hope this helps to provide some clarity and ease your mind.

    Liz, Team Member

    1. hey. Yes. She said I shouldn't have gotten a fever and said I have a viral. However, I tested positive for COVID and am currently quarantined.

    2. I'm sorry to hear you have COVID, it is so rough and quarantining can be so hard. I hope you feel better soon. - Liz (Team Member)

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