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Are my symptoms HIV?

Hello guys a prostitue gaved me a handjob in my car and i touched her on her body and then i touched my penis
After 3 weeks i got fever 39C and sore throat for 1 and half day
I got tested in laboratory rapid hiv test after 3months and test came negative

  1. Did you only take a HIV test or did you also get tested for other STI's? - Steven (Team Member)

    1. Yes only hiv

      1. Even though you received a negative HIV test, it is always great to combine both HIV and STI testing together. - Steven (Team Member)

    2. I think you should say there's no way you can get AIDS from that behavior.

      1. ok

    3. Just to expand a bit, and to touch on 's comment, it sounds like you are concerned about touching your genitals after touching a sex worker, or maybe you thnk you are at risk through a handjob. First, we must remember there is a lot of misinformation about how HIV is transmitted and who is living with HIV. The five fluids HIV can be transmitted through are breast milk, blood, precum, semen, and anal and vaginal secretions, when they come in contact with a mucus membrane - so touching a person's skin, sweat, or saliva are not ways HIV can be transmitted. More about that here:

      However, regular HIV testing is important for anyone who is sexually active, and we have lots of info on the site about where and how to get tested. Take a look at this article and see what questions you may have: . I hope you are feeling better soon! - Liz (Team Member)

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