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How do you feel about being in a relationship with a person who does not have hiv?

Hello, I am currently 61 years old and hiv and about 28 years ago lost my partner of 10 years from AIDS. I then fell in love with a man who was negative and we were together for 12 yrs and I left him for a couple reasons one being that I felt I would be better suited for another person who was hiv also. I felt as if my body was going through things my partner couldn’t understand, one being depression. I was single for 13 years after we broke up and now I have fallen in love with someone who is 22 yrs younger than me which the age difference does not bother me but he also is negative. He is ok with me being hiv. My heat is telling me it’s ok to take a chance again at love but my mind is saying that is not what I wanted. My question is to anyone how do others feel about dating or in a relationship with one being hiv and the other one negative ?

  1. Hello, thank you for sharing this and creating this open space for those who may be feeling the same. I personally have been HIV-positive for almost nine years now and am currently in a relationship with someone who is negative.
    May I ask, what is it that holds you back from the idea of dating someone who is negative?

    1. Alafia (Peace) Its definitely time to take a chance on love. My partner is negative and ee have been together for over 20 years. It is possible to ha6a great relationship. Go for it. Khafre ( Team Member)

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