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My HIV Journey Began in ____.

How long have you been living with HIV? Post the year you were diagnosed and how many years you have been living with HIV. Share your tips for leading a good life, fighting stigma, taking care of yourself, and relationships.

  1. 1994! It's been a thirty-year journey. I think that allowing myself to be engaged when need to and disengaged, from advocacy and just life itself when I want to have been important to my mental and physical health. For myself it's about stopping and asking, 'what do I need right now, today or tomorrow'.

    1. I was given an AIDS diagnosis January 8, 2010 I was newly pregnant and with what I would learn my negative husband. The ex who I got HIV from I dated from 2001 - 2004 so I've had HIV since I think 2004. I have learned that through connections I've made within the HIV community, I found my voice and a new blood family I never expected. My glass is always half full, a failed HIV test can lead to amazing people, opportunities, and places.

      1. I have been living with HIV since 1984. I was diagnosed with AIDS IN 1997. I have been undetectable for almost 20 years.
        Protease Inhibitors saved my life.
        Medicine related co-morbidities are my current concern.
        Please take your medication everyday!

        1. Hi CookieJr (). Great message. Many here understand the concern with comorbidities. I want to share for you and everyone out there this article from our editorial team on the topic: Best, Richard (Team Member)

        2. Hi CookieJr!

          That "AIDS label" was bestowed upon me in 1992ish! A lot of us old times have carried the sticker. I'm so glad PI's helped you as well.

          We've had so many chemicals pumped through our bodies over the years I think we all have medical conditions in addition to our large red plus marks!

          Take good care of yourself!

      2. My HIV Journey Began in September of 2000 in Houston, Texas. I was working in a restaurant, looked very sick, and I didn't want to admit it. One day, my manager took me aside and sent me home to get help.

        I ended up in the hospital weighing 110 lbs, with 108 T-cells and a list of infections. I was visited by doctors, family, and a priest. It almost sounds like the start of a joke. My family was advised to expect the ending to be near.
        By miracles, God, and The Universe, I made it through three weeks in the hospital. I was moved to South Texas, McAllen, to be exact. I began volunteering for the Valley AIDS Council, where my advocacy work started.
        In September 2024, I celebrated 24 years of my diagnosis. I have met some wonderful people along the way, traveled to incredible places, and lost friends. I also found my voice, my courage, and my strength.
        Thank you,
        Daniel G GarzaHappy Me

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