My HIV Journey Began in September of 2000 in Houston, Texas. I was working in a restaurant, looked very sick, and I didn't want to admit it. One day, my manager took me aside and sent me home to get help.
I ended up in the hospital weighing 110 lbs, with 108 T-cells and a list of infections. I was visited by doctors, family, and a priest. It almost sounds like the start of a joke. My family was advised to expect the ending to be near.
By miracles, God, and The Universe, I made it through three weeks in the hospital. I was moved to South Texas, McAllen, to be exact. I began volunteering for the Valley AIDS Council, where my advocacy work started.
In September 2024, I celebrated 24 years of my diagnosis. I have met some wonderful people along the way, traveled to incredible places, and lost friends. I also found my voice, my courage, and my strength.
Thank you,
Daniel G Garza