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What issues impact those aging with HIV?

What issues are you facing as someone aging with HIV, and how do you address them?

  1. PTSD! I've had two partners pass already. First one 10 years second one three and a half. This one is 23 and 1/2 still going strong but major long illness which will take him out! I am emotionally exhausted! Caregiver for 35 years. Tired

    1. Hi . Dealing with loss of those who have passed from HIV is certainly a major issue for those aging with HIV and one many here understand. It is terrible that you have experienced the loss of two partners. Our patient leader Robert wrote here about grief and losing so many friends during the worst, early years: We also know that caregiving can be extremely exhausting, even when it is rewarding. PTSD is certainly understandable and our editorial team even published this article on "AIDS Survivor Syndrome:" But we know no article alone can sum up or mitigate the losses you have experienced. Have you found anything in particular that helps you cope and continue forward? Please know that this community is here for you. Best, Richard (Team Member)

  2. I want to tell you that I understand the emotions you're experiencing. What you have and are doing in caring for those around you is a beautiful and draining experience.

    As a long-term survivor, I've cared for many friends as well as my partner, and it can be all-consuming. Do you have a support network around you?

    I wrote a few posts I'd like to share with you.

    Many of us here have also lived through this. Let us know how we can support you.

    1. Here is one more post that I really enjoyed specifically discussing PTSD in survivors.

      1. Thank you Richard and Robert for your input and the articles. I read them and the signs of ass are all present in my life.

        1. You are very welcome . People here know that mental health is so important and, yet, hard to maintain. You are not alone. A lot of our contributors have written on various aspects of this struggle (see: It is so important seeing that you realize what you have faced and where you have been and the impact and ongoing struggle. Understanding the issues makes real healing and growth possible. Know that this community is here for you. Best, Richard (Team Member)

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