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Getting Sick During a Pandemic

This pandemic has had everyone on their toes, especially those of us with weaker immune systems. Experiencing an illness during this time adds to the stress that is already being placed on the body. In the back of everybody’s mind is the possibility that the ‘virus’ has been acquired. Going through the process of being tested for COVID is an experience in its own way.

Getting sick with a fever

I am not a stranger to feeling sick. Honestly, these days, even running a fever does not cause alarm in me. Even though I was running a high fever, 100.2 - 100.3, I chose to continue managing everything at home. It was a Friday and I assumed that, over the weekend, I would start to feel better.

In addition to the fever, I had other symptoms. Some of the symptoms that I was dealing with included body aches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, severe head pain, and the inability to sleep. This had everybody in my family genuinely concerned that I possibly had COVID.

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I didn't have COVID-related symptoms

I used the DrOnDemand feature that is available with my insurance to have a virtual appointment with a doctor. Unfortunately, this doctor wanted me to get tested for COVID to be sure I did not have it, even though I did not have respiratory issues or the loss of taste/smell. They sent me a document to show that I had met with a doctor and it was decided that I needed to be tested for COVID.

Finding a COVID testing location

The first place I went to on Monday was supposed to have drive-up testing. Much to my annoyance, the place wanted people to register online, do a virtual appointment the next day, and then do the COVID test the following day if they felt it necessary.

They did not care that I already had a doctor that wanted me to be tested for COVID. This was crazy to me. That could have taken me a week to get tested and to get the results.

Trying another location

My best friend was able to help me find a place that could do COVID testing. Monday night, I called a registration number, and then Tuesday morning I went to get tested. I was under the impression that the place was a drive-thru testing facility, which it was not. This made me super relieved that I had not decided to bring my dog with me.

Getting my results

It took several minutes to get the insurance information submitted, but then I did not have to wait long. The experience was not a pleasant one at all. They used the nose test but did both nostrils.

I was surprised when they told me that I would have the results in 24 to 48 hours from the testing. After hearing little bits from the news and such, I did not expect to have the results as soon. Luckily, I did get my results the next morning via text message. I was negative for COVID.

Post-COVID test: I was still sick

Despite being negative for COVID, I was still sick with something. When I was able to talk to my specialist, she wanted me to take a trip to the emergency department of the hospital. Knowing that there is a pandemic going on made me not want to risk going to the hospital.

Unfortunately, I knew my doctor was right in the decision to send me there and I had attempted to battle this on my own for long enough.

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