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Hit the Reset Button

A few months ago, I decided to go back and re-read a few of the articles that I had written in the past for you all. There was 1 article that really resonated with me all over again and has been weighing heavy on my mind.

The article titled “Finding the Confidence to Date Again” that I wrote back in December 2020 had me re-evaluating my approach to dating and giving people the opportunity to really get to know me.

My confidence level has not been the same

As I read every paragraph again slowly, I realized that my confidence level was not the same anymore. I did not understand how, over a year ago, I wrote this article confident enough in myself to put myself out there.

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I remember writing about a healthy and respectful relationship but, as time went on, I didn’t try to have one with anyone anymore. I would go on dates from time to time but did not see myself putting time or effort into opening up to someone again. I expected someone to open up to me but was not reciprocating that in my approach.

Putting myself out there more

After reading the article again, I started putting myself out there more. I wanted to become that person who was confident enough to date again, someone who wasn’t afraid to open up without the fear of being hurt. A sub-heading in the article I wrote was “hit the reset button” and that is exactly what I did from that point on.

I was not going to fault anyone I dated anymore for what happened to me in past relationships. I felt so strongly about that over a year ago, and I knew I could become that person again.

It did take some time to start opening up to people, but I am happy to say that I have found someone who has opened me up to the idea of trusting someone all over again. It is safe to say that I am now in a monogamous relationship and I have never been happier.

Starting a new relationship

This relationship is fairly new and I honestly do not know what the future holds for us but that is the exact reason why I am writing this. I want to look back on this very moment and remember that someone can still make me smile after all this time. That there is someone that can genuinely want to spend time with me.

I no longer have to doubt myself and question if I am being too affectionate or needy. I no longer hold in emotions for fear of being judged or rejected. I no longer have to bite my tongue if I need to speak my mind or need to get something off of my chest.

I do not know what may come in the future, but I can say that I am genuinely happy. I can say that I am excited for what is next to come. I am ready to make new memories and cannot wait to share them with you all.

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