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women attending an HIV women's event

Having A Women's HIV Event

My experience as a woman, a Black woman, and a woman living with HIV makes me think that there should be plenty of in-person events for all women about sexual health or sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

When planning in-person events in our communities, I have learned that when you mention HIV on the flyers about any events, no one shows up to them. The three letters still discourage people from coming.

An event of this nature can be called a women's health event with a catchy title of some kind, like the one I am planning. Even though STIs are the main topic, you can add other items to the agenda, for instance, someone can talk about diabetes, healthy eating, mental health, etc.

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That is how you will attract women to attend the event. As an incentive for women to attend the event, you can also provide gift bags for the first twenty-five women.

HIV wellness event how to

There are several things to consider when creating an event:

  1. Support organizations. It is common for states to have Gilead community liaisons and AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) representatives. Make sure you find out who that contact person is in your state because putting on an event requires funds, right? Discover what they require from you to do that.
  2. Venue. In terms of a venue, you can inquire about community centers, senior centers, or other venues that can be used to host events. Some charge an hourly fee, and you put that fee in your budget when you contact the community liaison.
  3. Event name. Putting your catchy title on the flyers, and make sure you highlight women's health events. Engage other women in your community who can speak about different issues women face.
  4. Vendors. Creating an Eventbrite page for vendors to reserve a table, but make sure you give specifics on if you will provide tables, or if they would have to bring their own. You can charge anywhere from $10 to $25 per table, and that will help you with your event.
  5. Food and refreshments. Arranging for restaurants or companies to donate (purchase) food at your event for the women who attend.
  6. Sponsorships. Including the title of the event and the sponsor's logo on T-shirts is a clever idea.
  7. HIV testing. Make sure you have HIV testing, but do not include that on your flyer.
  8. Women-focused. Make it exclusive to women only. If you call it a women’s health event, that means no men at all and no men vendors either. There are a lot of ways to put a magnificent event together for the women in your state on HIV, but not make it look like an HIV event.

If you need some help with it do not hesitate to reach out to me in the comments for some guidance. I would be happy to help any woman who is working to educate her community.

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