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An Unconventional Solution for HIV Relief

Living with HIV brings its own set of challenges, including a rollercoaster of symptoms that impact every aspect of life. As someone who is journeying through this experience, I have found surprising relief in cannabis, which has provided a unique and effective approach to managing my symptoms.

Depression, like an unwelcome companion, often crept in during the quiet hours of the night. The darkness seemed to amplify the weight of my emotions, making it nearly impossible to find solace in sleep. However, cannabis has been a game-changer.

For managing my mental health

It's not just about the physical relief it offers; it's the soothing effect it has on my mind.

When I consume cannabis in the evening, it's as if a gentle calm settles over me. The intrusive thoughts and the heavy burden of depression seem to quiet down, allowing me to experience a restful sleep that I had longed for. This newfound tranquility has given me a renewed sense of hope and strength to face each new day.

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For my chronic nausea

Mornings, once a chaotic battleground of nausea and confusion, coupled with disorienting fog of violent vomiting — a distressing routine, leaving me feeling helpless and frustrated. Nausea medicine, avoiding foods, conventional remedies never worked for relief.

Test results left me with no answers and no direction. Frustrated by the lack of answers, I turned to cannabis as a last resort.

The morning ritual of smoking cannabis significantly curbed my nausea. It was as if a switch had been flipped, offering me the relief I so desperately needed. The plant's anti-nausea properties have given me back a sense of control over my mornings and have allowed me to embrace the start of each day with renewed life.

Unconventional methods call for collaboration

While cannabis has undeniably cast a positive light on my life, a cautious approach is crucial, and should be guided by medical professionals. Having conversations with healthcare professionals well-versed in both HIV and potential medication-cannabis interactions form an important foundation.

The journey with unconventional methods lies in finding what works for you. The knowledge from my cannabis courses echoes the mantra, "low and slow." This means, for unconventional methods, start with low THC and dosage, and give the body time to process the potential effects before re-dosing — 30 minutes to 1 hour, at least.

The relationship with healthcare providers must persist, and should be supplemented by a personal product journal documenting strains, dosage, THC percentages, and terpenes. This will serve 2 true insights, both for personal reflection on what works and doesn’t, and collaborative consultation with medical experts.

More than just managing symptoms

My personal journey unfolds through relief from cannabis flower, strategically woven into various times of my day, especially morning and night. The preference leans towards hybrids with sativa dominance, a choice I made after finding that for me, drowsiness often accompanies indica strains. Within my own preferences lie an eye for strains with present terpenes—limonene for its mood-elevating prowess and myrcene for its efficacy in addressing bodily pain.

For me, it is more than just managing symptoms — it is about seizing back control from the challenges HIV and other issues throw my way.

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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