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A woman with a potted plant watering herself to grow healthy

Dear Diary [4.30.21]

Well, he’s back. An ex-boyfriend has snuck his way back into my life, and he’s pulling on my heartstrings. I find myself latching on to his movements and, more special to me is the love my son has for him. Still, I’m so not ready for anything. And definitely not ready to have my feelings toyed with again.

Was it me?

I haven’t said much about my ex after Matt, but there were definitely less than desirable times. Don’t get me wrong: the honeymoon stage was just that, a honeymoon. It was perfect. Seems like it is always that way. And when times were hard, he was supportive.

But the heartaches? Oh man, the insecurity I felt. .. . It became debilitating. I am not really sure what led him to stray or to look for more. I used to look at myself and think it was me. Or maybe all the health issues that came up.

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I am just now starting to believe that maybe, truly, he’s not ready. Like he wants the relationship and no commitment. And with my diagnosis, and past trauma, I don’t want to move forward without the commitment. It is something that is truly important to me. Monogamy is something I have always seriously considered, and truly is what I desire.

Working on personal development

Honestly, at this moment, I am committing to myself again. I am dating me and only me. My obligation is to find myself and enjoy every minute of it, gaining the strength and love to do what makes ME happy.

I have been creating again. Mostly anything. Creating with paint and doing projects have given me a sense of accomplishment. I find myself getting lost in the project or setting aside time to try to work on it.

Seems like not having my own space and my extreme paranoia made me really lose track of anything that was “mine,” including my time. Just trying to actively understand what I truly love and what brings me peace.

I have been working on my business and devoting massive amounts of time to the next step in all areas of my life. I truly want to change the dynamic of my family’s generational curse and I believe I am the one to do it. My business will prosper, but I know I have a lot of work to get it up and running.

A reminder to take things slow

In the middle of all my hard work and stressing, I had a shingles outbreak. It happens often. Sometimes I take these painful itchy outbreaks as a reminder that I may be overdoing it.

The shingles oftentimes show when I least expect it, but it only shows when I am putting stress on my body. I do not know if a lot of people have similar troubles, but I know that it is a common thing amongst people with immune issues.

I guess all of these things are just a reminder to take things slow or go at my own pace. I need to focus on what will make me happy and put my energy into that. The truth of this matter is, I am still figuring out what will make me happy. But right now, dating myself seems like the one thing I am sure of.

Until next time,

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