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National HIV/AIDS Awareness Days in the United States

Reviewed by: HU Medical Review Board | Last reviewed: January 2022 | Last updated: January 2022

Awareness days recognize different populations within the HIV/AIDS community. These days highlight the unique impact on each community. They provide educational opportunities and encourage testing. Become involved in any or all of them! Help increase awareness of the effects of HIV/AIDS within the United States. Keep reading to find a download of these awareness days to keep on your phone or in the home.

HIV/AIDS awareness days recognized in the US

National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

Corresponding with Black History Month, February 7 recognizes Black and African Americans living with HIV/AIDS. It commits to helping end the stigma of this disease. The day aims to increase testing, prevention, and treatment for Black people.1,2Commonly used hashtag: #NBHAAD

HIV is Not a Crime Awareness Day

People in more than 30 states are being imprisoned based on their HIV status. February 28 is a day to recognize injustice and work to modernize, destigmatize, and humanize the relationship between people living with HIV and the legal system.1,2Commonly used hashtag: #HIVNAC

National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

Following on the heels of Black History Month, March is Women’s History Month. March 10 emphasizes reducing cases of HIV/AIDS among women and girls. It honors those women and girls who live with HIV/AIDS.1,2Commonly used hashtag: #NWGHAAD

National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

The first day of spring marks Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. This day respects the connection of Native people to the land. March 20 recognizes Native Americans, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. This day empowers Native people to help reduce stigma and encourages testing.1,2Commonly used hashtag: #NNHAAD

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National Youth HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

Those living with HIV/AIDS under the age of 25 are recognized on April 10. Around 20 percent of newly diagnosed cases affect this population. The goal is to speak about how HIV/AIDS touches the young adult population. It elevates the work of youth in raising awareness and fighting the stigma.1,2Commonly used hashtag: #NYHAAD

National Transgender HIV Testing Day

HIV/AIDS affects a significant number of those in the transgender and gender non-binary communities. April 18 encourages regular testing and HIV/AIDS prevention at the local and national levels. There has recently been an emphasis on home testing options.1,2Commonly used hashtag: #NTHTD

HIV Vaccine Awareness Day

May 18 highlights the work toward a safe and effective HIV vaccine. It emphasizes the importance of ongoing vaccine research.2Commonly used hashtag: #HVAD

National Asian and Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

May 19 addresses the stigma of HIV/AIDS in the Asian and Pacific Islander communities. Lack of testing and education stems from the stigma of HIV/AIDS. This day brings awareness to the effect of HIV/AIDS on Asian and Pacific Islanders.1,2Commonly used hashtag: #APIMay19

HIV Long-Term Survivors Awareness Day

June 5 recognizes long-term survivors. It is a day to listen to their stories. It focuses on hearing and advocating for the needs of the long-term HIV/AIDS community.2Commonly used hashtag: #HLTSAD

National HIV Testing Day

It is critical to know your status to treat and manage HIV/AIDS. June 27 encourages HIV testing across the country. Wide-range testing creates greater awareness. This reduces the stigma surrounding HIV/AIDS.1,2Commonly used hashtag: #HIVTestingDay

Southern HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

In the United States, Southern states have a significant percentage of new HIV/AIDS cases. August 20 encourages testing of those in the South. It brings awareness to HIV/AIDS in this region. It promotes bringing resources to this area to aid prevention, testing, and treatment.1,2Commonly used hashtag:#SHAAD

National Faith HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

HIV/AIDS impacts people of all faith traditions. The last weekend in August urges faith communities to fight HIV/AIDS together. This day connects Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and Christians. Communities approach action on HIV/AIDS from a faith perspective.2Commonly used hashtag: #NFHAAD

National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day

More than half of those living with HIV/AIDS are over age 50. Observed on September 18, this day encourages testing of older adults. It addresses living with HIV/AIDS as a senior as well as aging with HIV.1,2Commonly used hashtag: #HIVandAging

National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

This day addresses the needs and concerns of HIV/AIDS for gay and bisexual men. Around 1 in 6 gay and bisexual men living with HIV/AIDS go undiagnosed. September 27 encourages conversations to highlight regular testing, prevention, and treatment.1,2Commonly used hashtag: #NGMHAAD

National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day

October 15 encourages education, awareness, and testing in the Latinx community. An estimated 1 in 6 Latinx people living with HIV/AIDS go undiagnosed. This day highlights the impact of HIV/AIDS on the Latinx community.1,2Commonly used hashtag: #NLAAD2022

World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day is celebrated around the globe each year on December 1. While this is an international event, it also spawns many celebrations and fundraisers in the United States. Its purpose is to support people living with HIV and to commemorate those who have died from an AIDS-related illness. It was the first-ever global health day, founded in 1988.3Commonly used hashtag: #WorldAIDSDay

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