I am devastated Hi I am really looking to hear if anyone has experienced what I have and ended up negative. Or if you think this could be something else. 2 days after...Reactions0reactionsComments7 repliesDiagnosis
What other health conditions are you dealing with?Join the discussion on opportunistic infections, comorbidities, and other health challenges faced by those living with HIV. More on Heart Health - My Cardiovascular Health - https://h-i-v.net/living/my-cardiovascular-care - What to...Reactions0reactionsComments97 repliesSymptomsTreatment
Living with HIV Since 1984: 40 Years, Known 38 Pos1996 my t4 was 106, AIDS... My last t4 was 1698, one before 1800. Take your meds, eat well, exercise, and most important, move. Stay active... I'm 40 years, still...Reactions0reactionsComments3 comments