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ARS duration upon PEP failure


How long does HIV ARS last one PEP fails?

I had a high-risk exposure with an HIV+ CSW when the condom broke. I developed a bruise after the condom broke, due to poor lubrication, which increased my risk for infection.

I started PEP at six hours post exposure (TLD). I received 30 tablets and took them all religiously. However, after 16 days, I developed headache, diarrhea, night sweats, swollen lymph nodes in the groin, abdomen and neck, as well as body aches. The diarrhea stopped on day 18. On day 21, I developed a dry cough which was accompanied by an irritating sensation going deep down in the chest. The diarrhea lasted two days. On day 24, the irritating sensation whenever I coughed expanded to include the chest as well as the throat.

On day 31, after completing the PEP dose, I went to a hospital for an HIV text, which came back negative.

However, on day 33, the headache, swollen lymph nodes, and body aches intensified significantly and I also developed some minor chest pain. On day 35, I noticed a white spot at the back of my throat. Today is day 36; the cough has subsided but still lingers a little. However, the headache, lymph nodes and body aches remain significant.

I am certain that the PEP failed and that I am undergoing HIV ARS. My question though is, how long should the ARS last? I have read that HIV ARS lasts one to two weeks but this has now lasted three weeks.

This bothers me because I feel as though I contracted a really bad variant of the virus, for which the body is taking longer than usual to complete the seroconversion. I intend to go ahead and start my ARV treatment but the hospital will not give me ARV treatment before the tests turn positive, which can only happen after the ARS ends. Is it common for people to experience HIV ARS for longer than three weeks?


  1. I am so sorry to hear you are dealing with all these symptoms. I can offer some information, but since we are not medical professionals we cannot give you a recommendation on what to do. It sounds like you are about a month out from a possible exposure and we do know that there can be a two month window period (more on that here: )

    This article outlines symptoms of ARS and states that seroconversion can last 1-4 weeks - . It sounds like you have some of this information, but I hope this is helpful.

    Does your doctor seem to think that PEP was unsuccessful? And do you feel confident they have ruled out any other source for your symptoms?

    Please keep us posted and let us know how you are doing - Liz (Team Member)

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