If someone passed an ART resistant strain on to me is it possible that I have good results with my meds anyway? I heard there is a new capsid drug in trials that should be effective. Will this be approved soon?
LizGreen Community Admin
I am not sure of the specifics, but this article from earlier this year discusses capsid inhibitors - https://h-i-v.net/research-studies/lenacapavir-islatravir-once-week-arv-trial . It states the research won't be done until 2023. If you do get a positive result and your doctor recommends this treatment, check back in with us and we'll help you find more information, and maybe someone here has more information about the clinical trial. - Liz (Team Member)
DaveyK Member
Thank you. I got my blood test results back today non reactive for 25 days post exposure , but I’m going to get tested again at six weeks because the symptoms were extreme, I’m still having some of them, and I’ve never had them before.
Khafre Kujichagulia Abif Moderator
Alafia (Peace) DaveyK That is so good to hear that your test came back non reactive. I understand waiting another six weeks may be difficult but you are doing all you can. Stay strong. Khafre (H-I-V.net Team Member)
DaveyK Member
thank you.
CommunityMember9c19c7 Member
Khafre Kujichagulia Abif Moderator
Alafia (Peace) I have not heard of this drug trial. I do hope for your sake this is true and that there are Ned's which work for you. Khafre (H-I-V.net Team Member)