\n","dateModified":"2024-03-26T16:55:49.131738Z","dateCreated":"2024-03-26T16:55:49.131738Z","datePublished":"2024-03-26T16:55:49.131738Z","commentCount":2,"keywords":["Coping"],"url":"/forums/can-you-get-hiv-from-dental-tools-or-at-a-dentist-office","image":{"@id":"/forums/can-you-get-hiv-from-dental-tools-or-at-a-dentist-office#primaryimage"},"mainEntityOfPage":"True","isPartOf":{"@id":"https://h-i-v.net#webpage"},"author":{"@type":"Person","name":"teflon John"}},{}]}
In 2020 I went to a dentist in Ohio to get a cleaning and there was blood and 2 dentist work on my mouth after that there was covid 19 at this time I’m still a virgin . I started having rashes on my legs and hands however not chest then I started having protected sex but couple weeks ago I started having sex with this girl unprotected and now she is having rashes on her skin and now I’m scared because I don’t want to ruin her life because I always had a fear of hiv