Hi everyone, I was just wondering if anyone had any experience of getting any cosmetic procedures done abroad as I am frightened of them turning me down due to hiv. Thank you 😊
LizGreen Community Admin
What a great question - I do not know personally but I'll reach out to our Instagram community, maybe they know? - Liz (Team Member)
CommunityMembera49fb5 Member
Some countries won't even let you into their country. Also I'd say about 90 per cent of them won't touch an HIV patient.
Khafre Kujichagulia Abif Moderator
Alafia (Peace) I am so glad you found us and have taken the time to ask your questions prior to going abroad to have a procedure. I wouldn't know where to find the answers to your question but I trust LizGreen and I would suggest that you wait for her follow up response. Khafre (H-I-V.net Team Member)
Khafre Kujichagulia Abif Moderator
Alafia (Peace) We are interested in knowing what additional information you were able to find out about the surgery abroad? It was a great question and it may come up again. It would be great to have a response. Thank you. Khafre (H-I-V.net Team Member)