Most of the American Public (NIH believes ">90%"😉, and even the(ir) Doctor(s), are Unaware of the Existence of STD Oncogen(s) named "the HTLVs". Since the mid-1990's, Diagnostic "HTLV" (Blood) Test(s), are avail. @ e.g. "Quest Diagnostics" Labs. Circa 2008, my NGO developed a "SocioSeroStatus" nomenclature system. For instance, "Knowingly HIV-Negative while also Unknowingly HTLV+Positive" (the usual Dual SeroStatus of American[s] +Infected w/ HTLV), is nomenclatured as: "HIV-K/HTLV+U". Here the "-" minus or hyphen symbol stands for "-Negative"; the "+" plus symbol stands for "+Positive"; the "K" letter stands for "Knowing(ly)"; and the "U" letter stands for "Unknowing(ly)". To Confirm your Dual RetroVirus(es) SeroStatus, you MUST ask your Doctor(s), for both an "HIV Test", plus also an "HTLV Test". We work (along) w/ the New York State Legislature, on Bill(s)/Language to Address/Reverse, this Horrific/Extreme (U.S.) "Public Health Policy" Problem or Failure. Please Phone us, at (845) 481-4452, and/or at (845) 392-3466 (both w/ VoiceMail!) -- for an Official NY State Legislature "Anti-HTLV" Bill(s) Briefing....Richard R. Engnath, Founder/Director, HTLV/XMRV National Registry, 03/29/23