I am so glad you reached out when you're feeling so freaked out and dealing with these symptoms. As I understand, you used protection during penetrative sex and also performed oral sex.
HIV can only be transmitted by 5 bodily fluids: precum, semen, vaginal secretions, breast milk, and blood that come in contact with a membrane - it can't be transmitted by saliva. In terms of oral sex, it is at the lower end of the risk spectrum - more on that and mouthwash here: https://h-i-v.net/myths-misconceptions
In terms of protection, if they are living with HIV and have a detectable status (folks can reach an undetectable/untransmittable status with treatment), condoms are thought to be 80% preventative in heterosexual sex and 63% and 72% for men who have insertive anal sex with other men and men who have receptive anal sex with other men, respectively (more on that here: https://h-i-v.net/risk-reduction)
There could be other reasons for your symptoms if your risk of transmission is lower - is there a health professional you trust that you can share this with? Testing is the only way to be certain and you may be out of the 33 window period to test (I think you said it's been 5 weeks?) More on testing here: https://h-i-v.net/test-types
I hope this info is helpful. Please keep us posted on how you're doing. - Liz (Team Member)