I had a somewhat risky behaviour with a sex worker 3 weeks ago. There was genital contact and some unintended penetrarion, for a brief moment, no ejaculation or anything. I asked her about her status, she said negative and that in that place all the workers were tested weekly.
2 weeks later I noticed heavy sweating at night, but the nights have been extremely hot, and I am very prone to suffer from hot weather, so it could justify it, although I feel something, I don’t have fever, I think it could be anxiety?
I do have a mildly sore, persistent, nasopharynx, but I keep being exposed to a lot of direct air conditioning and icy drinks, also due to the extreme heat. I have no pain or difficulty swallowing, just irritation above the throat.
No detectable swollen nodes.
No other symptoms, no joint pain, no weight loss or malaise, apart from the one I believe is caused by anxiety.
I do have some unexplained “pimples” only on one of my shoulders, one side only, about 6 small red marks, I don’t know if they were there before, but I read that the usual HIV rash is symmetrical. Nothing on chest, face or limbs.
I’m very scared nonetheless, I’m married, avoiding relations since that episode (don’t judge please).
I will test at 30 days but I would like to ear some feedback in the meanwhile. Although most symptoms may have other explanations, the sweating+ persistent sore throat+ pimples seem to show a pardon that’s making me sick just to think about it…
Do you think it looks like seroconversion??