First, let me express how happy I am that you are reaching out to this community. After learning I was HIV+ 30 years ago, I discovered my t-cell count was 250. We were still a few years away from the changes to treatment that protease inhibitors would bring.
A good friend (who had been living for two years with a t-cell count of 4) was instrumental in sharing some thoughts and practices to support his immune system. I want to offer up a few of those to you.
* Get rest - your body needs time to heal. I still do deep relaxation meditations so that my body can focus on healing and repair. There are lots of them on YouTube and streaming music services you can use.
* Eat well - Give your body the fuel it needs. I avoid ultra-processed foods and try to make all my calories count. That being said, I don't neglect my need for comfort food. Sometimes it's just as important to satisfy your mental hunger with pizza or ice cream.
* Stay hydrated - I drink water and tea all day long.
* Move - Whether it's exercise or just walking around your room, this is essential to staying healthy.
* Take care of your mental space -Stress can burden your immune system. Be kind to yourself and leave your worries at the door. I always remind myself that fretting is not the solution to the issue.
Good luck to you. I'm not a doctor, but in my experience living with HIV, these little things all add up and can give your body the boost it needs.