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With faith, nothing can stop us

I was told I had 3 years to live and was given AZT, it wiped away all my white blood cells and the doctor said, we can't do anything for you if you get an infection, then I went back to the doctor so he can give me a lower dose, and while I was sitting in the waiting room, a lady was there and she told me not to take the AZT, she said drink carrot juice, and I listened to her, for the next two years or so, I drank 5 lbs of carrot juice a week, adding Ginger, beets, lemons, you name it I put it in there, then the protease inhibitor was discovered, so after a while and seeing it make a difference for other people, I decided to try it, Crixivan, not sure I'm spelling it right, but anyway that and two others was pretty rough, but it got me to undetectability and about 200 t4 helper cells, then eventually they came out with better cocktails, so about 25 years ago I started on Rayataz Norvir and Truvada, now that is Descovy and ofcourse they all have generic names now,
I have not let HIV Keep Me down from anything I wanted to accomplish, mind over matter, some good genes and most of all my faith in God, I have lived and continue to live an exceptionally happy life, Amen..Last Christmas Eve

  1. Mind over matter, I love it! Thank you for your story - Liz (Team Member)

  2. I appreciate you and thank you for your time and enjoying my story!

    1. What a great story, ! Thank you for sharing. I really admire your perseverance, mindset, and determination. I know others in our community will benefit from reading as well! -Casey (Team Member)

      1. Thank You,
        "Life's most persistent and urgent question is, What are you doing for others"


    2. Alafia (Peace) What an amazing experience you have had. I refused to take AZT and I waited until 1998 a few years after the first cocktail was introduced. I totally understand how faith keep you going. We are so glad you are still here enjoying your life. Khafre ( Team Member)

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