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What happened to federal funding to non profits in Tennessee?

Recently, the state of Tennessee has announced the termination of federal funding for non profit entities for HIV support. I believe their are a lot of non profit entities that have tapped into these federal dollars and the problem is this money is being used for administration costs and very little trickle down to the people who need it. This is the reason for their actions.

  1. how those living with HIV are supported is a really important conversation. Are you personally impacted by the allocation of this money? What advice do you have for those looking to advocate for change when they see policies they do not agree with? - Liz (Team Member)

    1. Not directly affected by the Tennessee funding but I see where they are going with it by my personal experience in Ohio. Other states are concerned by the Tennessee action. I think some non profits administer better than others. However, the state of Tennessee feels they could be as effective or more effective by committing to state funding only. This is because after the non profits receive their federal grants at the grassroots level when you apply for assistance the funding is gone through administration costs. Tennessee seems to think they could do better. I am curious to see how it pans out. There are many entities that take advantage of these funds, like now the hot topic for funding is opioid addiction and many are jumping on the bandwagon. The Federal government just throws money at a problem, but for the millions allocated, a very small portion goes to the people in need.

      1. I'm also curious, and thank you for starting a conversation that zooms out to the big picture. Hope others will chime in with their thoughts on the matter. - Liz (Team Member)

      2. Alafia (Peace) Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I hope this doesn't begin a new normal for other states to follow. We all need to keep a watch on how this will affect consumers. Khafre ( Team Member)

    2. Alafia (Peace) Have you seen the effects of these decisions by the state? Just maybe want you are hearing on the ground. I would love to know. Khafre ( Team Member)

      1. Alafia (Peace) Well it's nearly 10 months since you first created this forum. Can you share what is going on on the ground there in Tennessee? I used to live in Knoxville and the resources and services were few a dar between. We would like an update. Khafre ( Team Member)

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