Hi, so 10 days ago I had sex with a female massage therapist, Vaginal sex where the condom came off at the end, apx 4 thrusts were unprotected and mutal oral sex with each other.
2-3 days later I'm feeling flu like symptoms, hot flashes where my temperture would spike. Not sure how high but my normal temp has been in the 98F range. I also had a chalky white mouth feeling and some white spots in my mouth, stiff neck, and red pimple type dots on my torso on day 5. by Day 9 they cover more of my torso and alot of my back.
On day 9 I broke out into a sweat while walking around. And after that all my symptoms went away. Just like a light switch pretty much.
Are these symptoms indicative of HIV and ARS?
If condoms are used properly how much do they reduce HIV risk?
Can symptoms start and stop just like that?