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HIV and the Holidays - What are you doing to get through them?

It's the holiday season again, and I know it always causes stress in my life. I work in food retail, and the angry customers and long hours take a toll on my body. And then I'm faced with making poor choices on food and alcohol. On top of everything else, it's a sharp reminder of just how much distance there is between myself and my family, who I've never disclosed to. I'd love to know what other people living with HIV are doing to survive the holidays this year.

  1. I try to put up boundaries in order to keep my health in check. I definitely never host at my house. That probably sounds awful, but I have no desire to attempt to manage that much stress. I do my best to get enough rest the day before the holiday.
    I know that I will be drained from human interaction at the two different holiday dinners that I need to attend (Both for Thanksgiving and Christmas). Therefore, I pre-make or buy anything that I need to bring to the holiday functions. I do not want to start a day of get-togethers already low on spoons. I also make sure that I park in a way that I do not get blocked in
    I am a little nervous about Thanksgiving this year because I am scheduled to have bilateral lumbar medial branch nerve block injections on Tuesday the 22nd. I just had my first set of nerve blocks this week and the week of Thanksgiving will be my second set. I am just hopeful that my body responds well so I am not drained for the holiday. - Heather R (team member)

    1. I am so sorry that you spent the holidays alone. I hope you were able to still find something positive. - Heather R

    2. Alafia (Peace) I enjoyed the food I cooked. Khafre ( Team Member)

  2. Alafia (Peace) Robert Brunet That is some heavy stuff you are dealing with. For me, I set clear expectations for both myself and my family. I have created new traditions since the death of my MaDear. Khafre ( Team Member)

    1. Alafia (Peace) How did you get through the Christmas holiday? Please let us know. Khafre ( Team Member)

      1. , Thanks for asking. It was a challenge as I broke my ankle at the beginning of December. I had to set strong emotional boundaries around me as the house was full of visitors and well-wishers for several weeks. Ultimately, I allowed myself to soak in the love and joy my visitors were bringing to me. It all lifted my spirits. And in some small way, I realize I enjoy this time of year. Happy New Year!

        1. It is such a great thing that you had so many visitors and people wishing you well. I hate to hear that you broke your ankle though. I had knee surgery last April and I felt like it took forever for it to heal. So I hope that you have a speedy recovery and no complications. Sending some hugs your way - Heather R (team member)

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