H-I-V.net features articles and videos from our team of contributors who are living with HIV. We also have articles from health care providers and our medical writer team.
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Khafre Kujichagulia Abif Moderator
Alafia (Peace) HIV and Aging. The long term effects of meds on our bodies. I think these would be a great help to many in the H-I-V.net community. Khafre (H-I-V.net Team Member)
Brooklyn Member
My supervisor and I were just talking about long term survivor symptoms like short term memory loss. Mixed status couple advice. For people born with a uterus pre-menopause information. I've heard about CABENUVA patient resistance maybe some information on that and what meds those patients can go on after.
Khafre Kujichagulia Abif Moderator
Alafia, Great question. I hope that you have a better understanding after respinse. Khafre (H-I-V.net Team Member)
Khafre Kujichagulia Abif Moderator
Alafia, Thank you so very much for providing such rich information to . Itvis much appreciated. Khafre (H-I-V.net Team Member)