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Im scared of having HIV or other STIs

Hi Everyone, recently I have had a protective sex with a transwoman. I had sex with her 3 times - and everytime I was using condom. The rubber didnt break nor dislodged. I could say it was fitted good. So, we had anal sex. I, as the “penetrator”while using condom was able to release my semen in her anus.

3 days after, I felt really ill. I had flu like symptoms - Im coughing and had congested/runny nose. As of now, i havent had a fever.

I was paranoid in the last 6 nights, so yesterday I did my fingerprick hiv rapid test, it was negative.

My question is, how high is the risk that i have acquired HIV? Why do i have this flu like symptoms 3 days after sex?

I still want to build a family with my wife. 🙁

  1. , I am glad you reached out when dealing with these symptoms. I hope we can help. We are not medical professionals and can't assess your risk online, but we can point you toward information I hope can help.

    It sounds like you had sex with a condom about a week ago and are experiencing flu like symptoms. Condoms are effective, in this article citing about 72% risk reduction - .

    If you are concerned, the best thing is to go get tested. The testing center can also answer questions about PrEP and if it is right to help reduce your risk going forward -

    It sounds like you took precautions that would reduce your risk, but if you do end up with a positive result, come back here and we will help you get the right info. There is a lot of judgment and misinformation online. Many of the people here in the forums who are living with HIV have built wonderful families, and with treatment are living healthy lives. Keep us posted, and let us know if there's anything else we can help with. - Liz (Team Member)

    1. Alafia (Peace) Did you have a discussion with her about her HIV status? I would start there. It seems like you use protection which is a great thing. We really can't respond to your risk because we don't know enough. Your initial test came back negative. I would get tested again but this test you may want to try going to a testing organization. As far as your symptoms? I think @LizGreen information is exactly what you may need. You can always reach back out for any support you may need. Khafre ( Team Member)

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