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Indeterminate/Low Reactive tests


I was sweating/headache/tired and generally feeling unwell and advised by my GP to go to A&E.

After leaving A&E without a explanation, I received a letter from the sexual health clinic explaining that blood taken the day I was in A&E was passed through to sexual health to run test.

The HIV test was indeterminate I was asked to take another test but the results of the second test were low reactive. I have spoken to the Dr from the first test and he said it’s possible that the “low reactive” wording is just different way different company’s word the results.

The Dr also said that it could be a different infection that is causing this constant indeterminate result.

I am female and have been with my boyfriend for 12 years on and off.
I was last intimate with him around 2 months ago.

If anyone has and experience with this test being indeterminate would be much appreciated as I can’t function properly right now!

Thank you all

  1. I am so glad you reached out because I am sure it is hard to move forward without answers to these questions. We are not medical professionals or able to assess your results online like this, but we can provide information that I hope will help you in the coming days.

    It sounds like you have had two tests - one was 'indeterminate' and one 'low-reactive." Have you been advised to take another test?

    - Liz (Team Member)

    1. Thank you for your reply!! That is correct I have done 2 test both one was indeterminate and the other done by another clinic which is recorded as low reactive. I have since done another test, at the clinic with blood taken direct from the vein instead of finger prick and hopefully have the results tomorrow!

      I will stop sulking/panicking on the thread untill then 😀

      1. Definitely let us know how the test goes tomorrow. Either way, we are here for you! There are many misconceptions about what living with HIV looks like these days, and we can help you if you do receive a positive result, as there are many here living very healthy lives. We will wait to hear what you find out tomorrow, and good luck! - Liz (Team Member)

      2. Alafia (Peace) I totally understand where you are coming from. I asked you to breathe and continue to reach out to us and share your feelings. It's never too much for us. That is why we are here. Please let us know how things turn out for you. We will be here regardless of the outcome. Khafre ( Team Member)

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