I hope you find who you are looking for! I am sorry to say we do not have a dating section to our site, but I do think you can find some supportive and hopeful stories about relationships here. Here is a good place to start: https://h-i-v.net/dating-relationships - Liz (Team Member)
Khafre Kujichagulia Abif Moderator
Alafia (Peace) Its true we don't have a dating section on H-I-V.net. I do understand the desire to connect with someone on an intimate level. Many of us who are living with HIV have that same desire, including myself. If you find a site please let the rest of us know about it. Continue to search for your special one. Khafre (H-I-V.net Team Member)
Khafre Kujichagulia Abif Moderator
Alafia (Peace) Checking in with you to find out if you have found your partner. We sure hope you have. Khafre (H-I-V.net Team Member)