My boyfriend and I have been together over 2 years. We own a business together, live together, and recently had a beautiful baby girl. The happiest day of our life turned into a nightmare, when I found out I have HIV after giving birth to my daughter. My o gun dropped the ball by not testing me for it, so a day after I gave birth and had been breastfeeding her I found out. My boyfriend was supportive at first, and wanted to still get married and have a family. Now that he has tested negative, his tone has changed. I’ve sacrificed a lot for him. My son, who’s is nine, he talked me into giving his dad majority custody to build a family and have a life together. He is a conservative man who strongly stands behind his beliefs. As we drove home from the hospital his words were “ you’ve sacrificed for me and to have a family together, you’re damn right I’m going to sacrifice for you”. Now it’s come out that he isn’t okay with this. He doesn’t want sexual from me and doesn’t know if he can have a life with me. What do I do?
His thought is that no matter what we can live on the property (130 acres) together and raise her together. He’s always been against split households and co-parenting, that once married or having a child, you work it out, but now he isn’t sure. I’m deeply in love with this man and have given up so much. Where do I go from here? I’m soo sooo afraid I’m going to be alone forever if we can’t figure this out. I thought when you loved someone, you sacrifice for them. Now I’m wondering whether his love was ever strong enough. I’m scared, and feel alone. Who has gone through this and what advice or experiences can you share with me.