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Please assess my risk here based on symptoms

Hi all. Thanks for your help.
Five days ago I had a handjob from a sex worker. She had a cold and was blowing her nose while doing the deed - quite a disgusting experience. Three days later and I have got a bit of a chest rash, some achey feels under my arm pits and mouth sores especially on my tongue.
Can this be seroconversion? I am actually freaking out.
P.S. to make the situation even worse I saw the same sex worker sitting waiting in the sex clinic a day later!

  1. Hi . It is understandable that you have concerns over sudden symptoms and it is good that you are seeking answers and information. I do want to note that we are not medical professionals and, for your safety, cannot offer medical advice over the internet. That said, transmission from what you describe is unlikely and this article from our editorial team goes into further detail on transmission: You mention concerns over symptoms and seroconversion, so I also want to share this article on early HIV infection and seroconversion symptoms and windows: Of course, the only way to be certain is through testing. This article discusses the various tests, including the testing window for each: I hope this information is helpful and please feel free, if you like, to keep us posted on how you are doing and to ask additional questions. Best, Richard (Team Member)

    1. Alafia (Peace) In my opinion, I don't think there is a great deal of risk from a handjob. She didn't pass any bodily fluids on to you, right? Richard has given you some good resources and I hope you take the time to reall

      1. to really inform yourself on HIV transmission and symptoms. Getting tested is the best way to know your status. It is suggested that we make testing a regular part of your health screening when you see your doctor. If you don't haven't one, schedule yourself at a testing organization. Khafre ( Team Member)

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