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Scared. Time sensitive for PEP

I cut my Pennis by a scissor while manscapping. Blood came out and after 36 hours I ended up getting a paid blowjob with condom on. After blowjob I saw the cut cover layer was removed but it was still black. I am wondering if I should get PEP and I am at risk. Please guide me.

  1. Hi . It is clear that you are concerned and people here understand. We cannot comment on specific risk of your case, but I can share with you this article on transmission risks which lists receptive oral sex at "Low (less than 0.04 percent):" That said, if you have access and PEP would ease your mind, it is something you could look into. This article from our editorial team offers more information: Wishing you the best and please feel free to keep us posted on how you are doing and to ask additional questions. Richard (Team Member)

    1. I am confused now. I thought I don’t need a PEP based on other articles as it took a lot of time to get response. Now it’s about 80 hrs. So are you telling me that protected blowjob or not protected blowjob still has some practical risk of HIV (not a formal text book version). The 0.04 percent risk based on the articles seems to be a lab number and there has not been any case of HIV from blowjob to the receiving male.

      Looking for some clear answer and this information actually confused me more.

      1. Hi there, we don't mean to confuse you. We are not medical professionals, and can't make a final call on what you should do. We can provide information and help you connect to a medical professional who can help. As the articles say, risk of transmission through oral sex is low and condoms are known to be very effective. I hope you can understand that we can't give you a final answer online like this, and that (if you are concerned) you talk to a HIV counselor who can better assess risk. - Liz (Team Member)

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