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Severe doubts

Hi so i moved to this new place which was quite unclean when it was handed over.I really repect people who have certain conditions but also fear of anything as such happens to me.I have this gut feeling the bed i sleep maybe infected with viruses and bacteria because it is old.
I happened to wear a loose short that day and when i was sleeping my penis mucous slightly touched the bed and the blanket.My blanket which i was covering myself had a few times fallen on the floor which again has a dirty carpet.
Should i be scared please do answer my question it would be a great help.

  1. I'm glad you asked because I am sure it's stressful to be dealing with these questions. There is so much misinformation about how HIV is transmitted out there so I hope we can help.

    It sounds like you are concerned about your genitals coming into contact with surfaces in your new home, like the bed. HIV is not expected to live for long at all out in the open, making environmental transmission outside the body virtually non-existent. For example, HIV cannot be transmitted through contact with surfaces - more about that here: . It is not transmitted through sweat or saliva. It can be transmitted through some sexual relations or transmission of some bodily fluids, which are outlined here - .

    I know you were concerned about the cleanliness of your new home, and I'm not sure if you know any health conditions the previous tenants were living with. But I will say there are messages that you may have heard from others or from the media that can make it seem like people living with HIV are a threat to those around them, and this is a misconception that makes life incredibly difficult for those living with HIV - more on that here: - so I am so grateful you asked and started this conversation. I hope this helps to provide some clarity and ease your mind.

    That being said, it is recommended that everyone receive HIV testing as part of their regular health care. Have you ever been tested for HIV before? We're happy to provide some resources to help if you are looking to find a place to test or wondering what to expect.

    Take care, and I hope your transition to your new home gets better! - Liz (Team Member)

    1. Liz has provided some great information and resources for you. I hope you can take a breath and consider being tested on a regular basis. Khafre ( Team Member)

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