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Substance abuse counselor looking for guidance

Hello everyone! I am a substance abuse counselor that have recently had to tell patients that they are hiv positive. It is not an easy approach and the textbook language is fake and outdated to me. Can anyone give me advice on how to tell my patients that the have HIV? Hep C? In a 2022 way? I always try to be down to earth with my patients but it's hard for me to tell someone something that I have never encountered. Please help! Thank you to those that do♥️

  1. I am so glad you asked and I think for myself I always rely on what I hear from those living with HIV. I think using person first language is important and our advocate writes about that here: - Liz (Team Member)

    1. Thank you I would love to have a call with substance abuse counselor. There is so much to say to help with this. Here is a link to people's first language and I would say listen to them because this is hard to process.. Let them know they can live a long healthy life with HIV as long as they stay in care and on their medication. They will become virally suppressed which means undetectable which means U=U. They cannot transmit HIV to their partner or unborn child. Link is here. I hope this helps and contact me by email if you like,prejudice%20and%20removes%20value%20judgments.

      1. Alafia (Peace) You are already half way there because you reached out and understand that the language could and should be a great deal better. Both and have provided you with fantastic resources. I would only add that your language may say, "Your _ test has come back reactive." Khafre ( Team Member)

        1. Thank you! I take my job seriously and I really don't like to be ignorant in this subject so I have been researching and reaching out to make sure I can tell someone in a caring way.

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