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I found out today. I’m very suicidal. I know there is no other way. I don’t have a car to get back and fourth to treatments or doctors. I can’t tell anyone. I have to end it. I’m just going to overdose and go to sleep and not wake up. I know it will work bc I have been clean for 18 months and don’t have anything in my system right now. My family would be more hurt and embarrassed if I told them this than they would be if I just died. They would be so ashamed to even know me if I told them this. Sad part is it happened at the first job I had in over ten years after I got sober. A manager sexually assaulted me and I was too afraid to say anything because I didn’t want to be fired. I had to have the job or I would go to jail because maintaining employment is part of my terms of probation. For once in my life I was doing the right thing and this happens. It’s better to die fast from an overdose than die slowly. It’s the only way.

  1. , I sent you a private message with some information as well, but please let us know what we can do to support. There are so many here who have lived long lives with their diagnosis and would like to share their stories with you. It sounds like you’re dealing with really overwhelming emotions. While we’re not professional counselors, I’ve sent you some resources in a private message. This is a safe space to vent and I'm really glad you're here. I will be watching for your reply tonight and we'll be sure we are more timely in our responses. All my best, Liz (Team Member)

    1. For anyone following the thread, this community member has been in touch and is doing better. - Liz (Team Member)

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