I had unprotected sex 5 days ago and am displaying flu like symptoms - high temp, sore throat, chills, aches. But is 5 days too early for hiv symptoms? I’m worried sick any advice would be welcome
Hello, although I am not a medical professional I will try to offer you as much information as possible. This article is a great start: https://h-i-v.net/symptoms
Have you went to take an HIV test? - Steven (Team Member)
Pete Member
Last Updated:
Thanks Steven, that was helpful and no I have not. The helpline I contacted advised me to wait at least 10 days to get an accurate result
Steven Campa Member
Last Updated:
When would be your 10th day? Have you found a local clinic that you can go to on the 10th day? - Steven (Team Member)
Khafre Kujichagulia Abif Member
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Alafia (Peace) I wonder if you had the opportunity to get tested. The information which Steven provided should have informed you regarding symptoms. We hope that you have found what you need to thrive. Khafre (H-I-V.net Team Member)
CommunityMember6c63b0 Member
Last Updated:
It’s probably too soon to tell if you’ve been infected, but go see a doctor and if you are positive start treatment before things start to decline. From experience after I was diagnosed, there was no treatment. Now there’s a lot of hope for people that are diagnosed with HIV get tested.
Khafre Kujichagulia Abif Member
Last Updated:
Alafia (Peace) Thank you for reaching out to offer your advice to our members. We really appreciate you for taking the time. Khafre (H-I-V.net Team Member)