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How Do I Manage Medication Costs?


I was diagnosed with HIV last week.
I am an Australian living in Indonesia and am on a plan with a private clinic to get me healthy again.

Ongoing daily medication for the rest of my life,
Monthly blood tests for first 3 months, then six months, then annually.
The main concern is the cost of ongoing medication.
I have been put on a Medication produced from India called Telado.
Ingredients are;

Dolutegravir Sodium,
Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate

The cost of medication is US$55 for 30 tablets.

Is this reasonable or are their online pharmacies that have good quality cheaper. I will not compromise on quality and don't want to risk getting dud meds.




  1. I am sorry for the delay, we were trying to find something to help answer your question. First of all, I'm so glad you found this site. I hope the information here can be helpful to you - you have done the right thing getting treatment and making a plan for your health. It is something many are not able to do when they are first diagnosed because it can be so hard to take those steps. So I hope you know how important that was and that we understand here how hard navigating a new diagnosis might be.

    Regarding your medication costs, that does sound really hard to deal with. We do not know much about the resources available to you in Indonesia (or Australia). Has anyone at the private clinic been able to recommend financial options for you? If they cannot, some here have found it helpful to ask the provider about advocacy groups, local support groups, etc. and that can lead you to others who have faced this issue. Sometimes there are online support groups (sometimes on Facebook) that are local or regional (like Indonesia AIDS Coalition, which I don't have any experience with but does look like a community-based group). Often those living with HIV have strategies they have used - anyone have any ideas? - Liz (Team Member)

    1. Like I am so glad you found us here at Liz addressed your concern regarding the cost of medication. I want to check in to see how you are doing after receiving your diagnosis. Please know that this community is here to support you. It is my hope that you can also find local support which you can connect with and have people from your local community to share with you the resources which are available. Please let us know. I look forward to hearing more from you soon. Khafre ( Team Member)

      1. How are you feeling after your diagnosis? I can tell you from experience that I also have been in that place before. I hope you know that all of us here at are here for you. I hope to hear from you soon. - Steven (Team Member)

        1. Hi Steve,
          I am doing well thank you, much better than I anticipated.
          I knew I was unwell before the blood test and had a suspicion I had contracted HIV as it is rife in Kuta Bali. I was in shock for first few days but the more I researched the better I felt.
          The ARV medication is amazing! After nearly 3 weeks I feel so healthy, I lost 5kg when sick, I am usually 65kg, now gaining wieght and have my apetite back. The only side effects I am feeling are liver pain and maybe some kidney pain, but drinking papaya leaf juice and plenty of water aleviates this. Also, as my body is adjusting to the ART, I feel less side effects. I have found a new clinic, Bali Peduli that is more affordable and very caring.
          I have had herpes for 35 years so no stranger to coping with STD's. So taking a daily drug is no stranger for me. Also, I have stopped taking daily herpes medication (Valaciclovir HCI 500mg) as I can feel my immune system is gaining strength. So I'll see in time if I don't need it daily anymore. The other concern is the stigma attached to HIV, I will deal with this as time goes by but I'm not that worried what other people think and happy to explain my situation. Once my viral load is undetectable it will be much easier to deal with discussion, similar to describing herpes.

          My HIV viral load was 1.24EOS copies/ml. (log 5.09)
          My CD4 count was 385 c/uI
          And my liver is slightly damaged but only just oustide the normal zone.

          I go for my 2nd monthly blood test next week and am confident these figures will improve.

          So, my confidence is up, my health is on the improve and overall happy with the ART.

          Thanks for contacting me and will keep in touch.
          What is the avenue for communication, this post?



          1. Hello! It is so great to hear that your confidence is up and your health is improving. I am a strong believer that someone's mental state can also help their health. If you are confident in yourself then the world will see and feel that confidence. I understand the stigma around HIV that you speak of. I personally have seen and felt this from society. It is great that you are normalizing the conversation of herpes within this forum. I feel that herpes is something that is also rarely talked about and we need to strive to normalize the conversation, just like HIV. - Steven (Team Member)

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