My stats and journey so far include the following approximate results and times.
1. 1st week Nov 2019 – CD4 15 & VL 4.8 Million
2. 3rd week Nov 2019 – CD4 45 & VL 2,200
3. Mid December 2019 – CD4 80 & VL 626
4. Mid Feb 2020 – CD4 78 &VL 206
5. End May 2020 – CD4 206 & VL 506
I had a genotype test in November and my HIV was not resistant to Biktarvy
I’m very concerned that my viral load has gone back up while on Biktarvy. However I am thankful to have CD4 now over 206.
My questions are as follows:
1. Is it normal for the viral load to go back up slightly as it has since I started so high before becoming undetectable?
2. What has been your experience with getting your viral load under control starting with such a high number?
3. Should I be concerned that its now trending upwards but my CD4 is improving or is this a probably just viral blip of some sort?
Please help – I’m 100% adherent to my medicine. I just really want to get this to undetectable. I dont want to panic but I will not lie this is very concerning for me. Please provide your experience.