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what happen to hiv virus in person on prep, do they die or they hide until we get off prep

I am a straight male taking prep. I only have vaginal sex with female. My partner is hiv positive. I always hear we cannot kill hiv virus. If we take prep it builds a wall around our t cells so hiv virus cannot replicate in our cells. My question is, if hiv virus go in the body of person on prep, it will hit a wall created by prep, and cannot replicate. But the virus still in our body and cannot be killed. Does that mean one day we get off prep, we lose the wall around our cells, the hiv virus can jump in our cells and start replicate again? or does it die itself if it cannot replicate after sometime? thank you, i cannot find the answer any where on the internet.

  1. , I am glad you reached out with these questions. It can definitely be hard to find the answers you are looking for on the internet. It seems you are asking about if HIV can lay dormant in your body while you are on PrEP and then begin to replicate when you stop taking PrEP. We are not medical professionals so I am not able to answer that question specifically, but can say PrEP should be taken for 28 days following the last potential transmission (more here: ) . Are there others here in the community who have thoughts on this topic? And shinshin, are you thinking of stopping PrEP? - Liz (Team Member)

    1. Alafia (Peace) You had a great question. I hope you took the full course of PEP and were tested after you finished. Would you be willing to share the results with us. Khafre ( Team Member)

      1. Alafia (Peace) Were you able to understand the responses which you were given? Have they helped you at all? We would like to hear back from you. Khafre ( Team Member)

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