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What Are We Here For?

I go to sleep thinking about what I can do to change things in this world. I wake up thinking of how I can help others. I have these thoughts all day, on my mind saying, "You can do it."

My mind never stops going: it’s like a mouse on a treadmill that keeps running. When the anxiety never stops, it’s like my brain has a power of its own, tossing and turning at night to fall asleep. And, at times, I’m grateful for the 3 hours of sleep a night that I do get.

Making a difference in this world

I know, in my heart, that I was put here to do something. Each time my thoughts tell me to go for it, I do and don't care what people think or what they have to say about it.

Sometimes, you may have to do it alone

I feel the only way to make a difference in this world they call "one for all and all for one" is to go at it in any way you can, with or without help from someone else. I feel that if we wait for things to change, they never will never change. It takes heart, guts, and determination to do what you feel in your soul is right.

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Finding reason and purpose

I never questioned the way I found out about my HIV diagnosis. I just use to say to myself that if I didn’t get that phone call from my twin sister, it would have never prompted me to even go to the doctor.

I feel we are all here for a reason in life and asking the questions, "Why I am still here," or "Why my life didn’t end years ago" is now a faded dream to me. I was put here - we all were put - here for a reason and that is to help others, live happily, and make a change in some sort of way.

Discover what makes you happy

Life was not intended to be painful, make you cry, or wear you down. Or work for some company that will drain every part of you until you retire and have nothing else left to give but that chair in front of the television.

Don't let HIV stop your happiness

So, I say find what makes you happy, what makes you smile, and what makes you feel alive and just do it! We all only live once, and this is our one chance to do what matters the most to us.

Don’t let an HIV diagnosis, shame, or stigma stop any of you from being the best you can be or prevent you from doing something that will change your life or someone else’s life.

There is so much to live for

No one knows how long they will live and no one knows when their time will end. An HIV diagnosis should not be the cause of unhappiness. There is so much more to live for, to smile about, and to wake you up every day.

YOU ARE ALIVE so breathe and don’t let pain inside of you stop you from feeling the happiness you should be feeling.

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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