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I Am Proud

One thing that I have been seeing online lately is individuals sharing their proudest moments. I have shared with you all my New Year's resolutions, but I would like to reflect on this past year and share some of the moments that are special to me.

Balancing career success and personal well-being

This past year, I spent a lot of my time constantly checking in on myself and how I was feeling. Last year, I was promoted into a leadership role, and it shifted my level of responsibility in the office. I started realizing that I was taking my work home with me and began checking in with myself to make sure that I took the necessary time I needed to relax and work on my personal life.

Strengthening family bonds

Even though I have been excelling in my career, some of my proudest moments are the times that I am with my family and partner. This past year, I really wanted to focus on building a stronger relationship with my sisters. A moment that I was proud of was when I went to brunch with my partner, mother, and sisters. Even though this may not sound all that exciting, it was a proud moment for me.

This was the first time in a while that my mother had all her kids together to catch up and be with her. Other than holidays, we did not hang out because everyone had opposite or conflicting schedules. This moment was also special for me because my partner was able to connect with my family more, and family is very important to me.

Building courage in relationships

Another moment I was proud of this past year was building the courage to move out of my apartment and into my boyfriend's condo. We have been together for a year, and I was always at his place, but it took me a while to build the courage to let my apartment go and move in.

I have not been very lucky in my past relationships, and what helped me take this next step is realizing that my current partner is nothing like the men that I used to date. I am now in a healthy and happy relationship, and I am very proud of that. I hope that this year brings more joy and moments that I can share.

Celebrating 2-years of sharing experiences

The third moment that I can honestly say I was proud of last year was when I realized that I have been writing for you all for over 2 years now. This experience has been both eye-opening and inspiring. I have been living with HIV for almost 9 years now and am thankful to be healthy and able to share all of my knowledge and experience.

It has truly been a pleasure to share my story with all of you, and I hope to continue writing for a very long time.

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