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different multicultural people showing themselves free self-care living with HIV

Practicing Self-Care on a Budget

In the past, we have talked about the importance of self-care and shared examples of how you can practice it in your daily life. However, some self-care “treats” are more expensive than others. If you are on a budget (and really, most of us are) do you have to forgo self-care? Absolutely not!

There are many ways to practice self-care every day without spending a penny. There are several free and low-cost options that will not break the bank and will be just as effective as a spa day. Check out some of these tips below.


The air we breathe is free and abundant, but we often forget how valuable it truly is. An easy way to practice self-care is to just breathe. Take a moment for yourself, whether it is at your desk at work, or in bed when you are having a particularly hard time getting up. Simply take 30 seconds to close your eyes and just breathe. It can make a world of difference in how you feel.

Whether you clear your mind while breathing or picturing a favorite memory, this time allows you to focus exclusively on your needs. This self-care is free and available to you whenever and wherever you need it.

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Practice good hygiene

With self-care, we often talk about nourishing our bodies with plenty of water and good food. If you can do this, that is awesome. But 1 thing many people forget or move to the back burner is good hygiene.

Set aside time to take a cleansing warm shower, brush your teeth a little extra, and floss. These simple tasks can make you feel better and ready you to take on what comes next. When we get stressed or down, we often forget how rewarding the basics can feel.

Change your mindset

Your mind is yours and in your control 24/7. While we all get overwhelmed or caught up in negative emotions and thoughts at times, making small mental shifts daily can lead to a world of difference. Take a minute to pat yourself on the back, or make a mental list of things you love about yourself. This can lead to a brighter outlook.

Remember to pay attention during auto-pilot activities, such as your commute to work, and look for a handful of beautiful or interesting things you pass. Finding a few rays of sunshine can help you set yourself up for a more positive day.

Adjust technology and social media habits

We are constantly bombarded by our social media accounts and technology. While some of this can be helpful, especially when used to connect with communities like, it can also be a mental drain. It is easy to get overwhelmed by the negative sentiments and arguments that are common on social media.

Instead, take an hour to unplug from your devices, play a fun game, or call a friend rather than text. Another great cleansing and self-care tip can be to de-clutter your social media. Take a little bit of time to “hide” posts from people who clog your feed with sourness. You do not need to unfriend them, but you can edit what (and who) you see on your daily homepage.

Practice self-awareness

Self-awareness can come in many forms. It may include having the courage to say “no” to something you really do not want or need to do. It may mean taking time to catch up on educational resources related to any struggles or illnesses you are currently dealing with. Knowing yourself and your needs and what you are up against can help shape the way you approach situations in the future.

Our communities have tons of news articles, clinical articles, and all-around detailed, and factual content about many things you may be experiencing throughout your daily struggles with living with HIV. Use these resources to stay in the know, and structure what you do based on what you need and want!

Never forget, that self-care can take many forms. Just stick to it and remember it is a never-ending journey. Try to make little, feasible shifts every day, and keep building on what you have already accomplished!

How do you link practice self-care? Share with us!

This article represents the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of the author; none of this content has been paid for by any advertiser. The team does not recommend or endorse any products or treatments discussed herein. Learn more about how we maintain editorial integrity here.

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