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Can someone tell me if I should worry?

Hi there.
I had a hooked up with someone 1.5 weeks ago. He has been positive undetectable for a month. We only exchanged oral and did not even ejaculate. I have been stressing myself out to the max ever since and I believe this has been making me feel sick. Can someone tell me the odds of contracting HIV if he was lying about being undetectable under the above circumstances?

  1. Hi . It is clear you are concerned and please know that people here understand. I need to note that we are not medical professionals and, for you protection, cannot offer medical or diagnostic opinions. I do want to share with you this article from our editorial team on different transmission risks, including estimates for different transmission possibilities: You will note that the percentages for oral sex are low (it does not differentiate whether ejaculation occurred). I want to stress that these are estimates and cannot account for all the variables in an individual circumstance. The only way to be certain is through testing. This article discusses the various testing options, including the window periods for when they become viable: Hope this information is helpful. Best, Richard (Team Member)

    1. thanks Richard. It definitely has me worried but knowing the risk is as low as it is I do feel better overall. Definitely will be getting tested but just hate that I have to wait.

      1. Hi . You definitely are not alone in wishing you did not have to wait for the testing window period. I'm glad to hear that the information I provided lowers your stress level at least a little bit - sometimes information is power and it is good that you decided to advocate for yourself and seek it out. Best, Richard (Team Member)

    2. definitely seems like my risk is very very low. And if he had been undetectable for a month then that even further lowers the chance, correct?

      1. Hi . The term often used (you may have even seen it in ads for medications) is U=U, which stands for undetectable equals untransmittable. This article from our patient leader Quincy goes into detail: Hope this information is of even greater help. Best, Richard (Team Member)

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