Hi . I can tell you have some concerns and your questions are understandable. Is there a specific reason or symptoms that have you now wondering about latent HIV? As noted in this article from Mount Sinai, "Acute HIV infection (Stage 1) progresses over a few weeks to months to become chronic or asymptomatic HIV infection (Stage 2) (no symptoms). This stage can last 10 years or longer:" https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/diseases-conditions/hiv-aids. I want to note that we are not medical professionals and cannot, for your protection, assess your risk over the internet. That said, I want to share with you this article from our editorial team on differences in transmission risk: https://h-i-v.net/transmission-risks. In addition, you mentioned using a condom and I also want to share with you this article on reducing the risk of HIV transmission, which discusses the difference a condom can make: https://h-i-v.net/risk-reduction.
Of course, the only way to be sure is to get tested. Have you had an HIV test over this period of time? The CDC recommends HIV and STI testing as part of regular health care. Hope this information is helpful and please feel free, if you like, to keep us posted on how you are doing. Best, Richard (Team Member)