Hello, I’m a 53 year old male. I recently had sex with an HIV positive woman that assured me she was undetectable. Now 23 days later I’ve had symptoms for a week; Nausea , muscle and joint pain, penis ulcers, loss of appetite, loss of sex drive, fatigue and a throbbing headache. At first I thought it was just a bad recurrence of my genital herpes, but the loss of sex drive I know something is wrong. I’ve always had a very strong sex drive and I understand that HIV can reduce testosterone levels. I did an Oraquick at home test and it was negative, but it was at 22 days, so that isn’t reliable. I guess my questions are; Is loss of sex drive along with all of the other symptoms a definite sign? Also, I have access to healthcare, will I be able to live with this and have an active life? I’m in landscaping and it’s hard work. I’m worried about having to change jobs. Do you think there is a cite coming? Thanks for listening.