Hi all,
Last year in april i was receiving oral sex (i am male) from sex worker (woman) with unknown status. After 24 hours i presented to hospital and was given PEP, which i took for 1 month. Later i was tested for HIV in a hospital settings, blood was taken always from my vein. The tests were done after completion of the PEP in weeks: 2,3,4,6,8,12,39. All of the tests came back negative. The tests were 4th gen tests.
Since that time i havent had any sex, except of deep kissing (if it could be considered sex).
Now, few weeks (6) ago i started to experience recurring rash in area of my abdomen. I got tested for white cells level in order to indicate wheter cause could be allergy. My blood cells were in ideal levels. This was the reason why i got tested again now in week 39. It was again negative along with syphillis, hep B and hep C. Should i get tested again? The deep kissing happened 2 weeks ago.
Thank you a lot for you time and replies.
Kind Regards.