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HIV testing

Hi all,

Last year in april i was receiving oral sex (i am male) from sex worker (woman) with unknown status. After 24 hours i presented to hospital and was given PEP, which i took for 1 month. Later i was tested for HIV in a hospital settings, blood was taken always from my vein. The tests were done after completion of the PEP in weeks: 2,3,4,6,8,12,39. All of the tests came back negative. The tests were 4th gen tests.
Since that time i havent had any sex, except of deep kissing (if it could be considered sex).
Now, few weeks (6) ago i started to experience recurring rash in area of my abdomen. I got tested for white cells level in order to indicate wheter cause could be allergy. My blood cells were in ideal levels. This was the reason why i got tested again now in week 39. It was again negative along with syphillis, hep B and hep C. Should i get tested again? The deep kissing happened 2 weeks ago.

Thank you a lot for you time and replies.

Kind Regards.

  1. I'm glad you reached out with these questions. There is a lot of misinformation out there about HIV and how it is transmitted. HIV cannot be transmitted through saliva, if deep kissing in the thing you are worried about. More on that here:

    You're right that HIV may not turn up on tests right after a potential exposure to HIV, but 39 weeks is longer than typical window periods which can be seen here -

    If you haven't already, would you consider having a medical professional take a look at your rash to see if there is a reason for it you aren't aware of? I hope you can get some relief from those symptoms. If you still want information on testing, we have a lot of it! Let us know how we can help point you in the direction of good information. - Liz (Team Member)

    1. Hi . Just to follow up on what Liz said, there can be multiple potential causes for an abdominal rash (see here for a list of potential causes: Have you seen a dermatologist? I ask because they have several years of training on skin issues beyond other doctors. My wife, Kelly, was diagnosed with a severe form of an autoimmune condition at age two. A few years ago she came down with a rash which got infected, much of it in the abdominal area. She spent several days in the hospital and no one could figure out what was happening. She finally was able to see her dermatologist who correctly diagnosed a rare form of psoriasis (a different autoimmune condition) within minutes. I'm relaying all of this just to emphasize our experience with how helpful one of these experts was. Hoping you can get some answers and relief soon. Best, Richard (Team Member)

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