I am really looking to hear if anyone has experienced what I have and ended up negative. Or if you think this could be something else.
2 days after I received unprotected oral sex I developed a flu like symptoms and sore throat and fever. It was horrid I was in bed for two days sweating.
The next two days I started getting sores in my mouth and blotchy red flat rashes all over my body. I developed a bad cough and lost my voice a little.
I am devastated as this sounds exactly like HIV. I was clinging onto the fact these symptoms started 48 hours which I thought was too early by websites say 48 hours is in the range.
My odds of recieving oral was so low and now my life is over.
I'm only on day 6 and already it's terrible. New blotches popping up every few hours and my arms and body feel like they are on fire and prickly.
Anyone experience anything like this?