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I am devastated


I am really looking to hear if anyone has experienced what I have and ended up negative. Or if you think this could be something else.

2 days after I received unprotected oral sex I developed a flu like symptoms and sore throat and fever. It was horrid I was in bed for two days sweating.

The next two days I started getting sores in my mouth and blotchy red flat rashes all over my body. I developed a bad cough and lost my voice a little.

I am devastated as this sounds exactly like HIV. I was clinging onto the fact these symptoms started 48 hours which I thought was too early by websites say 48 hours is in the range.

My odds of recieving oral was so low and now my life is over.

I'm only on day 6 and already it's terrible. New blotches popping up every few hours and my arms and body feel like they are on fire and prickly.

Anyone experience anything like this?

  1. Hi . It is clear and understandable that you are troubled by these symptoms you are experiencing. You are correct that the risk from receiving oral sex is low. As noted in this article on transmission risk from our editorial team, the estimated risk from receptive oral sex is less that 0.04 percent: Of course, this does not account for individual unique circumstances. It is true that the symptoms you mention may occur during seroconversion (see:, but they can also have other causes.
    Also, you mentioned 48 hours being in the window for potential seroconversion. The medical sites I'm familiar with mostly mention one to two weeks. This one from the CDC notes "These signs and symptoms of acute HIV infection can begin a few days after you are exposed to HIV and usually
    last for about 14 days:" This site specifically says "there are no symptoms of having acquired HIV only two days after a possible exposure:", but I need to stress that we are not medical professionals and cannot specifically confirm online medical information.
    Of course, the only way to be sure is to get tested. All HIV tests have a window with a minimum amount of time before they can detect HIV. This article from our editorial team gives an overview of the different tests, with the window periods: We know that getting tested is hard, but it can also provide peace of mind. Also, if there is a positive result, the early treatment begins the better. HIV treatments have advanced dramatically and now full and happy lives are possible, as many here can attest. Wishing you the best and please feel free, if you like, to keep us posted on how you are doing and to ask questions. Best, Richard (Team Member)

    1. Thank you Richard. The odds of this is crazy but I am 100% convinced I am positive.

      I have seen many sites mostly specifying 2weeks minimum and read a journal on incubation times and the mean time was 21 days and the range was 5-60. So I am well below this so really clinging onto this at the moment.

      1. Hi . It is definitely understandable that the wait until you can get tested is hard. You may have noticed from the last article I posted; the one on test types mentions that the nucleic acid tests have the shortest window. It says the window opens in 10 days. I have seen other sites say a little longer, so it is important to ask a professional how long to wait for an accurate reading depending on the particular test. In the meantime, it would be too easy and simplistic to say to try to stay calm, but I hope the information provided on seroconversion helps you cling to some good thoughts. Best, Richard (Team Member)

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